If we are to get the real meaning of the word kiss, instead of going to the old fogies who compile dictionaries, we should go to the poets who still have the hot blood of youth coursing in their veins. For, instance, Coleridge called a kiss, "nectar breathing." Shakespeare says that a kiss is a "seal of love." Martial, that old Roman poet who hid ample opportunity to do research work on the subject, says that a kiss was "the fragrance of balsam extracted from aromatic trees; the rise odor yielded by the teeming saffron; the perfume of fruits mellowing in their winter buds; the flowery meadows in the summer; amber warmed by the hand of a girl; a bouquet of flowers that attracts the bees."
Yes, a kiss is all of these ... and more.
Others have said that a kiss was: the balm of love; the first and last of joys; love's language; the seal of bliss; love's tribute; the melting sip; the nectar of Venus; the language of love.
Yes, a kiss is all of these . . . and more.
For a kiss can never be absolutely defined. Because each kiss is different from the one before and the one after. just as no two people are alike, so are no two kisses alike. For it is people who make kisses. Real, live people pulsating with life and love and extreme happiness.
What happens when a man and a woman kiss?
That is to say, what happens to the various parts of the body when two people in love join their lips in bliss? Years ago, before our biologists knew of the existence of the glands in our bodies, one writer quoted a scientist as saying that "kissing is pleasant because the teeth, jawbones and lips are full of nerves, and when the lips meet an electric current is generated."
What nonsense! What utter nonsense!
In the first place, two people kiss because they are satisfying a hunger within them, a hunger that is as natural as the hunger for food, water and knowledge. It is the hunger of sex that drives them to each other. After that, hunger has been satiated, then comes the hunger for a home, for children and for marital happiness. This hunger is instinctive, that is, we are born with it, all of us, and we cannot learn it or acquire it in any way.
Virtual Kiss Greeting Cards
| With A Whispering Kiss... A romantic virtuak kiss ecard that's sure to make your beloved feel special. [ Flash ] |
| Endless Kisses ! A cute way to send a kiss greeting to your sweetheart/ loved one. [ Flash ] | ||
| Kisses Seal... A warm smooch ecard to make your sweetheart feel special. [ Flash ] |
| I Love You ! Say it with a virtual kiss ! [ Animated ] |
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